
4 Benefits of Updating Apps after Uploading on Google or Apple Stores

  Android and iOS are the two most popular mobile app operating systems. From the time, when the smartphone has been launched millions of apps are launched. As we all know that developing an app is not a one-time process. As the technology gets enhance we have to update our app. Updating an app will ensure that it is secure and feature-rich. According to research, done by Sensor Tower ,   the frequency of updating applies between 3 to 45 days. So, it’s important to keep an app up-to-date. Mobile app development services provider company like AppCode Technologies remain updated with the latest technologies and trends. They keep your app updated. Let’s understand why people uninstall an app:   Excessive advertising App not in use Limited access or storage Technical issues Excessive notifications Confusion Most of the time every 3rd user of the app uninstall the app because he doesn't find any interesting thing in the app. People love to use the app if you provide t...

Top 5 Benefits of Website - Know Why Website is Important for Your Business

There was a time when it was said that digitization is going to happen, everything is going to be online, that time has come now, digitization has increased very fast and it is increasing to bring any business online or to advertise it online. First of all, what is needed is the website, and to develop a website for your business you can hire website development services provider company.  Here we are telling you the top 5 benefits of the website. 1. People are searching for services/product online for their need: If there is anyone closer than Girlfriend / Wife, then it is the people who need their mobile anything, they first search about it on the internet, take information about it, or if they like, they order it online only. If you are close, you go and buy, if your business is online, do not you think that customer is waiting for you? 2. Professional Show The value of branding a good businessman is good, the website makes your business more professional, 2 businesses h...

3 Top SEO Benefits for Small Business

In this blog, I am going to give you 3 top SEO benefits for small business and some statistics on why SEO is so important for business. SEO is a big struggle but the benefits are just so high that we cannot ignore it. You can hire an agency that provides the best SEO services in Faridabad. So, let’s get to 3 top SEO benefits for small business. 1. Brings High-Quality Leads The first benefit of SEO is that it brings quality leads for your business consistently. According to the survey, 60% of businesses say that the highest quality source of leads for their business is SEO. 2. Bring the Highest ROI The second benefit of SEO services is, SEO helps to get the highest ROI for your business. According to the Search Engine Journal audience, SEO is one of the highest ROI factors in all digital marketing strategies for businesses. AppCode Technologies provide the best SEO services in Faridabad. 3. Improve Targeting and Conversion Rate The third benefit of SEO is that it improves t...